Jaideep Guntupallihey, I'm Jaideep 👋

Born 22 years ago. I'm a software engineer immersed in React logomarkReact, Next.js logomarkNext.js and Typescript logomarkTypeScript. Building exceptional and accessible digital experiences is my forte, developed through my adventures in startups, leading tech firms and contributions to open-source projects. Currently, I am working as a SWE at Bitespeed.

And also as a graduate of IIIT Delhi, I immersed myself in the complexities of Computer Science during my B.Tech. If you want to get in touch, I'm most responsive over email and I tend to be pretty active on X and LinkedIn too.

Recent Posts

From Frustration to Clarity: How a Simple Mistake Taught Me the Value of Fresh Perspectives


Mastering CSS: Animate a Button with Ease


Unlocking the Power of HTML Semantics: A Guide for Enhanced Web Design


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Recent Work

I'm a big fan of open source and I try to contribute to it as much as I can. Here are some of my recent projects:

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Jaideep Guntupalli © 2023